Pregnancy & Parenting

The Final Countdown: Third Trimester Updates

Though all opinions are my own, this blog post is sponsored by SSM Health Women’s Health. For more information on sponsored posts, click here.

I am well into my third trimester of pregnancy now and my water has not broken – hooray! The weekly progesterone shots seem to have worked and every day that I can keep this baby developing inside me is a win.

Only one more injection to go.

My regular OB appointments have been going well. Soon I will be checking in with my doctor every week as delivery gets closer and closer. I am having a growth ultrasound once a month to ensure baby is growing and staying on track. The baby’s growth is looking much better than it was in the second trimester.

Once you reach advanced maternal age as I have, a few extra tests may be added on. My doctor has already prepared me that I will be completing a couple of fetal non-stress tests soon as an extra precaution. The more reassurance I can get that baby is healthy the better.

Learn more about SSM Health Maternity Care by clicking on the highlighted words.

My third trimester has been a little rougher as I knew it would be. I don’t like to be a complainer but the truth is I ache everywhere, my swollen feet will only fit into flip-flops, and I become out of breath by just talking. In a number of ways, I am so ready for this baby to come out. In other ways, I am not ready at all.

I need to pack bags for the hospital, we need to get out the car seat, cradle, and baby clothes from storage. Also, I’m nervous about the impending c-section. As much confidence as I have in my doctor and the medical staff at SSM Health a fifth c-section in seven years is no joke. But I’m really trying not to worry about things that are out of my control (easier said than done).

Take a look at all the support and resources offered by SSM Health Women’s Health so you too can have the best medical experience possible.

We did have a wonderful summer for the most part. I was able to go to Door County twice, once with the family and once on a girls’ trip. I took the kids on many outings around Madison to places like Olbrich Gardens, the Zoo, petting farms, and the farmers’ market. My husband and I even squeezed in a few date nights.

A fabulous birthday date night enjoying a fancy dinner and seeing Hamilton at the Overture.

Unfortunately, our dog (who I consider my first baby) passed away somewhat suddenly at the age of 12.5 years. I can’t believe he won’t be here to meet our last addition to the family. We miss him so much.

My next update will hopefully include the news of an easy delivery and a healthy baby. Wish us luck!


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