Let’s face it, women are putting off pregnancy longer than ever before (for multiple reasons). I certainly waited until we were financially, emotionally, and logically ready to have a baby. But this means when you finally make the decision to try to get pregnant you typically want to see results right away!

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I am a planner, always have been, so when I get excited about something I throw myself into research.  While my husband just wanted to have fun and thought pregnancy would eventually occur, I went about the task by gathering knowledge and tools to accomplish the goal as fast as possible.

I hope my research helps you get pregnant as fast as you want to!

*Please note: I am not a doctor nor medical professional in any way. I just enjoy doing research to help me accomplish my goals. In this case, I wanted to get pregnant as fast as possible!

Prenatal Vitamins

My doctor recommended that as soon as I went off birth control pills to start taking prenatal vitamins.  I was already in the habit of taking a pill every day so it was an easy transition.

Because I had been on birth control pills for 10+ years he warned me that it would take a month or two for my cycle to regulate. If you are on hormonal birth control keep in mind this could affect your fertility timing.

What to Expect Before You’re Expecting

I love to read. I probably read this book in its entirety on the plane coming back from our honeymoon.

Most of the information I already knew but I did pick up some helpful hints I had no idea about.

Example – I learned saliva and lubricants kill sperm. If you are trying to conceive you should use a special sperm-friendly lubricant (*see Pre-Seed below).

Fertility Friend App

Greatest App Ever!  You record your temperature (among other things if you want) every day and the app gives you multiple graphs and tons of data to determine exactly when you ovulate, the best days to have sex, etc.  I even knew the day I implanted because of this app.  The app was easy to use and understand, I couldn’t recommend it more.

Basal Body Thermometer

In order to understand when you are most fertile, when you have ovulated, and when you have conceived, you should take your temperature every day at the same time and record it in the aforementioned app.  A regular thermometer will not give you the data you need. Use this thermometer to get the most accurate numbers.

Pre-Seed Fertility-Friendly Personal Lubricant

Great lubricant for those who might need one and it doesn’t kill the sperm.

Clearblue Easy Digital Ovulation Test

I only had to buy one pack because I just tested myself on the days the Fertility Friend app told me to.  These tests give you a smiley face on your two most fertile days of the month.

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Tests

The day my basal body temperature didn’t go down on the day it was supposed to I decided it wouldn’t hurt to take one the tests I already had purchased in advance.  The test read “pregnant”; there is no way to misinterpret those results.


There were two tests in the box so for fun I took the second one before my doctor’s appointment.

I realize that plenty of people have gotten pregnant without needing anything in my TTC Toolkit but the items made me feel proactive about getting pregnant and that is all that matters.

My doctor warned me that it usually takes about two months for your cycle to get back on track after going off the pill and he was exactly right.  My cycle went completely haywire for two months, I had one normal month (cried when I got my period), and then the second normal month we conceived!

When you do discover you are pregnant make sure to check out this post on surviving your first trimester.

(Originally published July 19th, 2015)


UPDATE: For my second pregnancy drinking a bottle of vodka over the 4th of July festivities seemed to work just as well!

UPDATE: For my third pregnancy I was still breastfeeding and had no idea I was even pregnant – so much for planning!


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