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Browsing Tag: toddler

Best Gifts for a 1 Year Old

one year old with a chocolate cupcake and the number one birthday candle

Now that my daughter is almost 18 months I feel I have a good grasp on what makes the perfect gift for a 1-year-old.  I always struggle with gift-giving, especially when it comes to children and what toys are appropriate for what ages.  The suggested ages on the packaging are always wrong.  I hope some of you are able to benefit from my new-found knowledge of what makes the best gifts for a 1-year-old.

Becoming a Mom of Two Under Two: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

a toddler sitting on a bench holding a swaddled baby

With a baby on the way and a toddler just about to turn 18 months I knew I needed advice from other parents with experience raising two kids under the age of two.  I truly appreciate the amount of feedback I’ve gotten from friends, family, and other mom bloggers on this topic.  It was great that everyone kept it real and didn’t try to sugarcoat the realities of adding a new child into our family.

15 Fun Summer Outings With A Baby and Toddler

baby with sandy feet

As a stay-at-home mom, I need to get out of the house every day or I’d go crazy! Summer is the best season because there are so many options for activities to do with your kids outside of the house. With both a baby and toddler it can be daunting for some parents to think of outings to take with young children that are fun yet realistic. You certainly want the effort it takes to get everyone packed up and out of the house to be worth it! Here are some fun summer outings to go on with a baby and toddler.

Must Have Items for Your Second Baby

toddler sitting next to baby with arm around him

So you are expanding your family, congratulations! Yes, adding a new baby to the mix will come with its own set of challenges but I found it was easier transitioning to a family of four (with two under two!) than I thought it would be. Below are the must-have items for your second baby. Some are obvious (like diapers) and others you might not have thought of (such as new entertainment for your first child). I hope you find this list of products for your second baby registry helpful.

Door County Weekend (with a Toddler)