Breastfeeding can be an amazing and wonderful experience. It can also be painful, heartbreaking, and a nuisance. After successfully breastfeeding three children, each for over one year, I hope to offer tips for both breastfeeding and pumping. If I help anyone make their breastfeeding journey a little easier then I will be ecstatic.
Let’s face it, women are putting off pregnancy longer than ever before (for multiple reasons). I certainly waited until we were financially, emotionally, and logically ready to have a baby. But this means when you finally make the decision to try to get pregnant you typically want to see results right away!
When finding out I would be giving birth in September a number of people responded by saying, “Poor you – a summer pregnancy is awful”. I completely disagree! Now having been through a December delivery, a March delivery, and a September due date I believe that a summer pregnancy far outweighs a winter pregnancy. Here are my top ten reasons why a summer pregnancy rocks!