Summer Bucket List Printables

women in a doughnut float out in the water

Summer is my absolute favorite time of the year. I don’t want it to pass me by without doing a number of, what I consider, essential summer must-dos. This year I sat down with my family and created a summer bucket list. Below you’ll be able to see the summer bucket list we created as well as print out a blank version for yourself to use! I’ve included some tips to help you get started.

Create a Summer Bucket List

Tip #1 – Be Realistic

As much as I want to add a million more activities to our family summer bucket list I don’t want it to get overwhelming. Also, I want to be able to check off each box to feel a great sense of accomplishment at the end of summer.

When creating your list consider your time restraints and budget. Would I love to go to Europe this summer? Yes! Unfortunately, that’s completely unrealistic for us this year.

How much time off of work do you get this summer? Can you afford to road trip across the country?

young girls at Bookworm Gardens
My girls loved visiting Bookworm Gardens last summer. We hope to get back this summer but I don’t know if we can find the time on our calendar.

Tip #2 – Select Quality Over Quantity

When adding activities to your list don’t worry about getting to a certain number.

Instead, think about what you would be most upset about if you DIDN’T get to do it this summer. If I didn’t get to vacation in Door County this summer I would be very disappointed. If I happen to not go strawberry picking, I can get over that.

Read More: Door County Recommendations

Plus, you still will want time to relax! Packing your summer schedule too tight might lead to unneeded stress.

Tip #3 – Use Vague Language

Sometimes the less specific you can be the better when creating a summer bucket list. Instead of listing every movie in the park our town is offering this summer I wrote: “Go to a movie in the park”. This keeps it simple and very manageable. We will probably go to more than one outdoor movie but we aren’t locked into a certain title or a specific amount that we need to attend.

I like to add checkboxes for summer foods we want to eat, activities we want to do, and places we want to go.


Click on the image below to get your FREE summer bucket list printable. Don’t feel obligated to use all the boxes!

check boxes with empty lines next to each

If you would like any ideas, take a glance at what my family created for this year’s summer bucket list. Or print the one we created to save time – click on the image below.

list of summer activities with checkboxes

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