Fall Bucket List Printables

wooden bridge with beautiful fall foliage background

Fall is growing on me more and more as I get older. The kids are back in school with routines, activities, and friends. The weather is gorgeous. Plus, the family fun activities in autumn are plentiful. I recommend creating a fall bucket list to ensure you don’t miss out on anything that makes the season enjoyable for you.

Below I have a blank fall bucket list printable (totally free) and a copy of the bucket list my family made this year for autumn if you would like a starting point.

Create a Fall Bucket List

Tip #1 – Be Realistic

Keep in mind your schedule, budget, and energy level when selecting activities to include on your bucket list.

You don’t want to make the fall bucket list unattainable or stressful. If your fall is already crazy busy with sports, work obligations, etc keep your fall bucket list small.

Don’t forget you are going to want some time to rest and unwind. If you make your list too long then all the fun activities you want to do might end up feeling like chores.

two little girls trick or treating in costumes

Tip #2 – Select Quality Over Quantity

Pick autumn activities that are priorities for you.

If you could care less about apple picking, don’t include it on your bucket list. You can always do more activities than are on your list but it feels so good to cross your entire bucket list of fall activities off.

Instead of writing down five different specific fall treats (apple crisp, pumpkin pie, apple dip, etc) you want to make, just write “bake a fall treat” and you are much more likely to accomplish the goal.

family carving pumpkins

Tip #3 – Use Vague Language

I would recommend not being too specific in your wording in case plans need to change.

For example, write “visit a pumpkin patch” instead of naming an exact one. This gives you some wiggle room in case events are sold out or something is closed unexpectedly.

I like to add checkboxes for fall foods we want to eat, activities we want to do, and places we want to go.


If you would like to have a template for creating your own bucket list CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW for a printable copy. Don’t feel obligated to use all of the boxes!

blank lines with checkboxes

Here is the fall bucket list my family created this year. We wanted to keep it on the shorter side as we have a new baby arriving soon! CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW if you would like a printable copy.

a list of fall activities to enjoy with the family

I hope you have a wonderful autumn season accomplishing all the activities on your list!

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