Spring Bucket List Printables

child splashing in puddles with yellow rain boots

I look forward to spring like no other person I know. Winter is LONG in Wisconsin. Spring is when I reemerge and agree to go outside again. Let’s take advantage of warmer weather and have some outdoor fun. List all the activities, events, etc you want to accomplish in the new season. You’ll find free printables below to help you create your own spring bucket list.

Create a Spring Bucket List

Tip #1 – Be Realistic

Before creating your spring bucket list think about your time, budget, and energy levels during the months of March, April, and May.

Do I want to squeeze in all the outdoor activities we weren’t able to do in winter? Yes, but during spring my kids are still in school. There’s St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, and spring break to consider. Your calendar might already be jammed pack.

Select activities that are possible to accomplish with your existing calendar while still giving you time to relax.

two kids dying Easter eggs

Tip #2 – Select Quality over Quantity

Spring is often a very busy time of year for families. Select only activities and events that will bring you joy without adding stress.

If you don’t enjoy nature walks, don’t put that on your spring bucket list! It’s easy to add too many activities and then you’ll be disappointed if you don’t have time to get to all of them. Prioritize activities that are the most enjoyable to you and your family.

little girl on a balance bike

Tip #3 – Use Vague Language

Set yourself up for success by not getting too specific.

For example, instead of writing “Go to Disney World for spring break” write “Go on a trip”. Weather, sickness, and various other factors can sometimes alter plans. By using vague language you’re more likely to check off every box on your spring bucket list.


If you would like to have a template for creating your own bucket list CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW for a printable copy.

blank spring bucket list

Here is the spring bucket list my family created this year.  CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW if you would like a printable copy.

spring bucket list

I hope you have a wonderful spring season!


  1. Sally | 1st Jul 23

    I love these bucket lists. It would be cool to have a combination of these two. Two columns on one page with one column being prefilled and the other being blank. I’m really looking forward to exploring your site more! Thanks for sharing.

    • Mehgan | 8th Jul 23

      I’m glad you like the bucket lists. Thanks for the suggestion of combining the two together, I like that idea!

  2. Thalisa | 22nd Mar 25

    This blog is impossible to read, so many adds, the page doesn’t load and when it loads it jumps over.

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