Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal

Snow Day Survival Guide (Adult Edition)

snow piled up outside window with leaves still on trees

Recently, my house lost power for THREE WHOLE DAYS during a freak October blizzard.  During our time stuck inside, we managed to survive and even have some fun, but I definitely realized that if this were to ever happen again I would like to be more prepared. Here are my tips for how to survive being snowed in for a few days;

October Blizzard (yes, that’s right OCTOBER)

Farewell to Summer

Door County

small rock pile on rock beach

Door County, Wisconsin is one of my favorite places in the world. As a child, my family vacationed there every summer and as an adult, I have had many wonderful trips to Door County during every season (even winter!). Door County is so special to me and my husband we even got married there! Door County is the perfect destination for a girls’ weekend, a romantic getaway, or a family vacation.