Fall and Winter Clothing Inventory for Women

sweaters on wire hangers

It’s that time of year! Time to take stock of your fall and winter clothing to determine the gaps in your wardrobe. Maybe you have plenty of warm pajamas but not enough socks? Maybe you are now working from home and are in need of a lot more loungewear and a lot less formal work outfits. This guide and clothing inventory checklist will help you go through your fall and winter clothes to see what your needs will be for the upcoming season. By doing your seasonal inventory now you can take advantage of upcoming sales!

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How to Inventory Your Fall and Winter Clothing


Step 1: Determine How You’ll Be Spending Fall and Winter


Where will you be spending most of your time this season? Will you be inside working on a laptop? Will you be taking skiing trips? Do you plan to be breastfeeding a newborn (like me)?

By taking into account your lifestyle and main seasonal activities, the clothing pieces you’ll want the most of should become clear.

For example, I will be in desperate need of long-sleeve nursing tops because I am expecting a newborn in November. What I don’t plan on wearing a lot of this season will be blazers, formal pants, tight dresses, etc.

woman dressed in gray jeans, sweater and wool coat

Step 2: Evaluate Your Current Clothing


Shop your own closet first! Take inventory of what you already have that you still like and will wear during the upcoming fall and winter seasons.

To make this task easier for you, use the free printable fall and winter clothing inventory checklist (sign up directly below).


In the “notes” sections, I like to write what colors I need more of. Also, I write down if I’m in need of solids, patterns, certain fabrics, etc. Remember you are trying to make outfits out of all your clothing items!

After using the checklist, I found I have a ton of black sweaters and cardigans because I used to manage a bridal store. If I buy any more sweaters I now know to not buy any black and instead focus on finding brighter colors to add some variety to my wardrobe.

By looking through my fall and winter pants selection I am in need of more comfortable pants. With quarantine after the baby is born and homeschooling my preschooler this fall, I have no need for tons of jeans -bring on the joggers!

Tip: You may want to try clothes on. I’ve fluctuated in size a lot recently. You might have plenty of cute winter dresses but do any of them actually fit?


Step 3: Fill In The Gaps


After completing the fall and winter clothing inventory checklist the gaps in your seasonal wardrobe should be obvious.

Now it is time to go shopping!


Don’t forget to save or print out the Spring/Summer clothing inventory checklist for next season!

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