DIY Dry Erase Seasonal Weekly Calendar Free Printables

four weekly seasonal calendars

These seasonal weekly calendars are the most used and requested printables I have ever made. I don’t go a day without looking at our weekly calendar. Each week it’s filled out with our schedule posted prominently on our refrigerator. The calendars help with reminders of all kinds (school, medical appointments, activities, etc) and help facilitate communication between myself and my husband. Plus, every night at dinner we glance over at it to discuss the next day’s plan with our kids. I hope you find these calendar printables as helpful as we do.

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a blank weekly calendar for spring in shades of pink
blank weekly calendar for summer in shades of yellow and orange
blank weekly calendar for fall in shades of yellow and orange
a blank weekly calendar for winter in shades of blue


Follow the directions on the laminating pouch. Basically, open the pouch and center your seasonal calendar then slowly peel away the liner as you press the adhesive side down without any creases. That’s it!

You now have a dry erase seasonal weekly calendar.

schedule written on a dry erase winter-themed weekly calendar

TIP: If your calendar is starting to smudge from the dry erase marker put a little hand sanitizer on a cloth or paper towel to wipe it off. Follow with a dry cloth once it is clean.

Some day, as our four kids get older and more involved in sports and activities, I know we will need to upgrade to a much larger calendar but for now these DIY dry erase weekly calendars are working perfectly for us.

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