So you’re thinking about cloth diapering? That’s awesome! I think it is important to look at all options before making a final decision when it comes to anything baby-related. You will be dealing with diapers for ~ 2+ years, or more if you choose to have multiple children. Time should be spent considering the pros and cons of each diapering option.
After much research, I personally decided to diaper my kids with all-in-one cloth diapers. Below I’ll discuss my reasons why I chose cloth diapers, why I love all-in-ones, my cloth diapering supplies, how to clean the diapers, and give you tips I’ve learned along the way. I hope you find this information helpful in making your own decisions about diapering!
With a baby on the way and a toddler just about to turn 18 months I knew I needed advice from other parents with experience raising two kids under the age of two. I truly appreciate the amount of feedback I’ve gotten from friends, family, and other mom bloggers on this topic. It was great that everyone kept it real and didn’t try to sugarcoat the realities of adding a new child into our family.
Kids grow so fast! Every season I have to take inventory of my children’s clothing to see what fits and what we need to buy. I’ve created a kids’ clothing checklist to help me determine what I will need to purchase for the upcoming season. I print out this spring/summer clothing checklist for each of my children. Read below to understand my process and how you too can easily determine your child’s clothing needs for the spring and summer seasons.
Once you become a parent you accrue a lot of stuff, a LOT of stuff. Packing to go on a trip no longer means throwing a toothbrush and some clothes in a bag for a spontaneous weekend getaway. You can’t do spontaneous with toddlers, not without a travel packing checklist to ensure you don’t forget to bring any essential items. So whether it is a day trip or a two-week vacation, use this helpful guide and checklist to make sure you have everything your toddler will need.