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Category: Planning & Organization

Lists and guides for planning different life events as well as organization tips.

Fall Winter Clothing Checklist for Kids

children's clothing (winter coat, pants and long sleeve shirt, jumpsuit)

It’s that time of year when I like to take stock of what my kids will need, in terms of clothing, for the upcoming fall and winter seasons. What winter boot sizes will we need this year? Does my child have enough pants that fit? By taking an inventory of their fall and winter clothes now I can take advantage of upcoming sales plus give practical gift ideas for birthdays and holidays to fill the gaps in their wardrobes. By using this Fall/Winter Clothing Checklist I also don’t run the risk of overbuying for my children. Here is my process;

Tips for How to Homeschool Preschool

preschooler learning about clouds with experiment

I never planned on homeschooling my children for any grade level. I happily signed my oldest up for preschool and she attended three days in March of 2020 before you know what occurred and everything shut down. It was at this time when I was forced into homeschooling my daughter for what I thought would be a temporary situation. Fast forward to August of 2021 and I have an entire year of homeschool preschool under my belt as I prepare to homeschool preschool our second daughter. Read below to find out why I am still homeschooling, the curriculum I recommend, and a list of easy homeschool supplies.

How to Keep Kids Entertained During a Holiday Party

children dressed up for Christmas standing next to presents

You have a dilemma. Either you are a parent going to a holiday party and you want to make sure your children have a good time but are still well-behaved. Or you are the host of a celebration and have the dual task of providing fun for all ages while also keeping everyone safe (and your house intact!). Don’t worry, keeping kids entertained during a holiday party is easier than you think!

How to Throw a Bridal Shower (On a Budget)

I love to host parties.  I love to host parties for selfish reasons; all the guests come to me and I can drink as much as I want since I don’t need to drive afterward.  Also, I get to pick the food to serve that I enjoy eating in case there are leftovers.  Lastly, planning is my forte. Recently, I threw my sister’s bridal shower and thought I would pass along some suggestions for planning a bridal shower without spending a lot of money.

Mom vs Dad Baby Shower Game

Pregnant woman holding hands with a man

If you are in need of a super simple game to play at a baby shower this is the one for you! With minimal prep and a lot of flexibility, the Mom vs Dad baby shower game asks questions to each parent-to-be simultaneously. All shower guests are able to participate too! Expect a lot of laughter during this easy and fun baby shower game.