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Category: Planning & Organization

Lists and guides for planning different life events as well as organization tips.

Declutter Challenge Week 8: Spring Home Decor

spring decor items

I am not a huge decorator. I think I have pretty good taste, but I struggle with spending money on items that are purely for decoration though I admire people who decorate their homes for each season. One of my goals is to start slowly picking out quality seasonal home decor pieces I love that I will use every single year. But before I add any seasonal home decor I need to first declutter that category! See my easy steps below to help with the decluttering process.

Declutter Challenge Week 7: Pantry

pictures of jars and containers in a pantry

I really need to work on decluttering my pantry multiple times a time year but for now, going through it once a year definitely helps. It can be surprising what foods you find in the back of your shelves. A little cleaning and organization this week might help you have a lot less food waste in the long run.

Declutter Challenge Week 6: Audio and Visual Entertainment

Depending on what your family members like to do in their free time this category might be a lot to go through or not much at all. We fall into the latter category especially since we don’t play video games. But even we definitely have old music players and DVDs that we don’t watch that can be decluttered from our house. Use the easy system below to help you declutter your visual and audio entertainment items.

Declutter Challenge Week 5: Furniture and Rugs

picture of living room furniture and nursery furniture

When people think of clutter, furniture is probably one category that doesn’t often come to mind but you may have a bit more to declutter than you realize. Sometimes we hold onto furniture because of how long we have owned it even if we no longer have a good use for it. Use the easy steps below to declutter furniture and rugs this week.

Declutter Challenge Week 4: Photos

pile of photos and three photo books

I think there are basically two types of people when it comes to photos. Those who display pictures in their homes and make photobooks and those who don’t do anything with the pictures they take. No matter what group you fall into you can still participate in this week’s declutter challenge category of photos and home videos. I’ll explain the easy decluttering steps below.