If you are in need of a super simple game to play at a baby shower this is the one for you! With minimal prep and a lot of flexibility, the Mom vs Dad baby shower game asks questions to each parent-to-be simultaneously. All shower guests are able to participate too! Expect a lot of laughter during this easy and fun baby shower game.
Gift giving stresses me out. I just want to know what would make the person I am shopping for the happiest and get that. The trouble is, not everyone always gives you ideas and would prefer to be “surprised”. That’s when I scour Pinterest for gift guides. I hope my gift guide for two-year-olds helps some of you feel less stress when buying presents.
Father’s Day is coming up quickly and dads deserve some recognition. The past year was incredibly hard, especially for fathers who were working from home with young kids in the house. Dads have earned a day dedicated to them! Below you’ll find tons of gift ideas to help you pick out the perfect present.
Recently, my house lost power for THREE WHOLE DAYS during a freak October blizzard. During our time stuck inside, we managed to survive and even have some fun, but I definitely realized that if this were to ever happen again I would like to be more prepared. Here are my tips for how to survive being snowed in for a few days;