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4 Years Old

Small Ways to Go Green

produce in reusable bags

I’ll be the first to admit I have a long way to go in sustainable practices but I think what really matters is that I am trying to improve my habits. Every little step I can take to reduce the amount of waste I contribute makes progress. I’m excited to try to make even bigger changes in the future. This is the only planet we’ve got and if we all try to reduce, recycle, and reuse more it would certainly benefit our planet. I’m no expert, but here are small ways I am trying to be a little greener.

Parker Five Months Old

April 2021 Book Reviews and Recommendations

pin image "April Book Reviews" with four book covers

I’m bringing you some variety this month but I have to warn you, none of these books are very light or funny. Surprisingly, it was the thriller that won my vote for book of the month. Check out my book reviews below to read what I thought of each of these stories.

Parker Four Months Old