I never got around to writing up my March book reviews (that’s never happened before!). Life seems extra busy right now even though it’s really not. Maybe during the pandemic I just forgot how to multi-task? Anyway, I have a ton of reviews backlogged so it’s a possibility I can write two April book recommendations blog posts if I can get caught up on my to-do list. Here’s part one;
I love to celebrate holidays with my children. St. Patrick’s Day is one of the most fun holidays to celebrate because there is no stress associated with it (no gift buying, no traveling, etc). We love to make a leprechaun trap, dress in green, and make fun mint-flavored treats. As with every holiday, we also read a lot of books. Here are some of our favorite St. Patrick’s Day children’s books.
Going through my closet always makes me feel a little guilty. I have all these clothes that I don’t wear and/or don’t like. It’s time to get rid of them! By having a capsule wardrobe I will have easier choices to make when getting dressed in the morning and I will make fewer spontaneous purchases of clothes I can’t make multiple outfits out of. Going forward I will make more of an effort to buy less clothes than I am getting rid of.
It’s the perfect time of year to declutter your children’s spring and summer clothing. If you are going to be selling or donating spring and summer clothing now is the time to do so! It’s much more likely to be purchased than if you were to sell or donate after the season has passed. I highly recommend you also take inventory while going through the declutter process. By taking inventory you’ll know exactly what your child(ren) will need for the upcoming seasons and you can shop sales when they occur!
I am not a huge decorator. I think I have pretty good taste, but I struggle with spending money on items that are purely for decoration though I admire people who decorate their homes for each season. One of my goals is to start slowly picking out quality seasonal home decor pieces I love that I will use every single year. But before I add any seasonal home decor I need to first declutter that category! See my easy steps below to help with the decluttering process.