AHHHHHH!! You are going to be home with your children for the unforeseeable future because of the COVID-19 virus. What can you do with your children all day if all the places you would normally take your kids (library storytime, Children’s Museum, zoo, open gyms, etc) are closed? Below I have a number of ways to entertain and occupy your children while responsibly practicing social distancing. If you have even more ideas please let me know in the comment section below!
Before I get into the activities and advice for staying home with children I want to touch on a few things;
1.Know that many parents are in the same situation. To those of you who do not have the option to stay at home or work from home, I am so sorry if you are dealing with childcare issues. People who work in the medical field, first responders, etc – we are indebted to you. I know with schools closing you must be very stressed out (for a number of reasons).
2. Try to stay positive. Really think about all the advantages and privileges we have to ward off negative thoughts. Many have the ability to continue working from home thanks to technology. We have more ways to entertain children at home and outdoors than ever before. Yes, this situation is extremely unfortunate but it could be so much worse!!
3. Think of others less fortunate than you. Think about the children who depend on going to school to get fed. What about the special needs children (and their parents) who might be without their therapies and known caretakers? Now is a great time to be charitable and donate food, hygiene items, etc to those less fortunate.
My number one suggestion for making it through social distancing, or quarantine, with your kids is to create a routine! Routines help everyone but especially children. A routine will help you plan the next day and hopefully keep the kids from getting too out of control or bored. The age and personality of your children will determine how loose or strict your routine must be.
My second suggestion is to invest in Amazon Prime and possibly even a second streaming service like Netflix, Hulu, or Disney+. The little extra money is worth your sanity. Plus, many services offer free trials!
Get those wiggles out! This is the category I am most concerned about since as a stay-at-home mom I depend on open gyms, play dates, and playgrounds to get through my days. Make sure you plan some time each day for your kids to use up some of their endless energy.
I don’t know about you but having something to look forward to always brightens my day.
Social distancing doesn’t have to mean you are home-bound! Going outside can do a world of help for your attitude and your schedule.
If you need time to work, have the kids make something that you know they can handle but also takes up a chunk of time. If your kids are too young to be trusted on their own they will love making something with you. This extra time together can be a blessing.
My favorite activity by far is reading. Reading is a wonderful way to pass the time during quarantine or social distancing.
Read More: Here are some great books for toddlers and books you might enjoy!
This added time at home might get a little messy but allowing your children a creative outlet will be beneficial.
If you are stuck at home why not get some housework done? Those to-do chores that never get checked off your list can now get accomplished. Also, consider your neighbors – especially your elderly ones! What can your kids do to help them out during this hard time?
Just because school is canceled doesn’t mean the learning stops. There are tons of ways to incorporate learning into your everyday activities. For example; while making a pie you can incorporate math, science, art, etc. Can you tell I was a Family and Consumer Science (Home Ec) teacher?
Try to make this scary time as fun for your kids as possible (but not so much that they won’t want to go back to school!)
Read More: Need specific game ideas? Here are 91 Indoor Games for Kids to play.
YES, screen time is okay! We are in a unique situation in which we all need to bend the rules a little when it comes to screen time. If you need to throw in a movie so you can hop on a conference call – do it! If a few episodes of Daniel Tiger will help distract your clingy toddler while you get dinner on the table turn it on! Obviously, we don’t want the children on Ipads and watching TV all day every day, but don’t feel bad about using it when you need to.
Read More: I love these family classic movies – bonus, your kids have probably never even seen them (something new!).
Introverts like me were made for social distancing. Extroverts are going to have a harder time not being around people. You can still get some social interaction in a responsible way.
I hope this list has helped you brainstorm some activities for your kids to do during social distancing. I wish you the best of luck. Remember we are all in this together and to make smart choices!
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