The Sweet Spot: Second Trimester Updates

woman in maternity swimsuit in the water

Though all opinions are my own, this blog post is sponsored by SSM Health Women’s Health. For more information on sponsored posts, click here.

Hooray for the second trimester! The majority of the depression and anxiety I was feeling during the first trimester has dissipated though not completely vanished (read more about why below). I’ve been getting my energy back which is good because we have been busy.

I feel like we are trying to squeeze in a lot of summer fun to make up for the lack of plans and events the last two summers.

kids posing with Bucky Badger statue

I’ve taken the kids to the zoo, the beach, and MANY playgrounds. My husband and I just got to have an overnight in Chicago with friends and it was wonderful. Do not underestimate the need for you and your spouse to get away sans kids! I think babymoons are a genius idea.

For this pregnancy, I’ve been giving myself weekly shots of progesterone to hopefully prevent my water from breaking early again. I’ve also been going in every couple of weeks to get my cervical length scan done. Cervical length can be an indicator that your water may break early. Thankfully, my numbers have stayed great so I no longer have to go in for those scans anymore.

pregnant woman on exam table

Unfortunately, my anxiety has spiked again because the 20-week anatomy scan showed that this baby is measuring very small for its gestational age. Though technically still within “normal” range the numbers really freaked me out. Measuring small was the first indicator that something was wrong with our first baby. Our first pregnancy ended in an infant loss because of a rare birth defect.

Other OBs might have looked the other way because the measurements are considered on the very low end of normal but not my doctor. My doctor knows my medical history as well as my concerns about growth. He immediately ordered another ultrasound to be completed in a month. I didn’t have to say a word and my OB had already ordered the ultrasound.

Women, I can’t stress enough how important it is to find an OB who takes the time to get to know you. Choose a doctor who values both your physical and mental wellbeing. A provider who agrees with your values when it comes to pregnancy. I’ve had the best experiences with the doctors I’ve had through SSM Health.

Learn more about SSM Health Maternity Care by clicking on the highlighted words.

My doctor and I both like to have all the information available to us to help make educated decisions even if that means finding out information that might not be great news. The more we know now the better prepared we both can be.

While I might not have wanted to have heard the news about the growth, it is so much better than being kept in the dark or being brushed off. The doctors and medical providers at SSM Health make sure that you are given all the information available. During appointments, I’ve always felt that my concerns are considered valid and my providers try to reassure me with facts while not giving me false hope.

Take a look at all the support and resources offered by SSM Health Women’s Health so you can have the best medical experience possible.

couple with Chicago background
Get as many dates in as possible before the baby arrives!

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