This year the holidays seem to be sneaking up on me quicker than ever before. I blame the foot of snow we currently have and the freezing temperatures we’ve had all week. Usually, I like to take one holiday at a time. I am not a fan of Christmas decorations being out before Thanksgiving. But “Holiday Inn” was recently playing on television and it got this Grinch in the holiday mood. I decided to compile a list of my favorite Christmas movies to refer to instead of just watching whichever film happens to be playing that evening.
You’ll notice a few titles missing from my list that everyone else would include. I also didn’t rank the movies but instead divided them into categories because I like a lot of variety in my viewing pleasure. If I watch a classic one night, I like to pick from another category the next night.
I hope you enjoy my list of best Christmas movies:
With the holidays just around the corner, I wanted to attempt a dessert that would blow the socks off friends and family. The piecaken to the rescue!! Similar to the turducken, a piecaken is made by baking a pie inside a cake – creating the best of both worlds.
I have attempted this recipe twice. The first trial was a miserable failure, the second pretty good. With a third attempt, I’m sure my recipe would be perfected but I wanted to get these instructions to you in case you wanted to give it a try for this Thanksgiving. Below I’ll fill you in on my tips and tricks for creating a piecaken, as well include some cheater versions that will save you a lot of time. I’ve included the recipe I made up but please note it is not perfected yet but I do explain what I would do to improve it. Happy baking!