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Browsing Tag: food

Healthy Habits

Since the start of the year, I have really made an effort to establish better habits for a couple of reasons. One, I have a lot of areas of improvement to work on. Since I am a few months away from my 30s I have noticed that my metabolism is drastically slowing down and my problem areas are increasing in number. Secondly, I just need to start being a more responsible adult because if I don’t start these habits now when will I? Lastly, I have a lot of time on my hands. I have no baby to take care of and all my friends have babies and/or are pregnant so my social life has slowed considerably.

I have found that introducing one new healthy habit a month has worked for me because I can just focus for four weeks on incorporating that one new habit and by the end of the month I don’t really need to think about it anymore. . . a healthy habit has formed.

Women exercising

Weekly Meal Plan & Grocery List #1

Weekly Meal Plan

I hate meal planning.  I think after being a Foods teacher for five years I just became burnt out over making extensive grocery lists constantly.  I thought if I saved the links to recipes I use often and type up a grocery list then I can reuse the information in the future.  Why reinvent the wheel?