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Browsing Tag: birthday

Best Gifts for a 1 Year Old

one year old with a chocolate cupcake and the number one birthday candle

Now that my daughter is almost 18 months I feel I have a good grasp on what makes the perfect gift for a 1-year-old.  I always struggle with gift-giving, especially when it comes to children and what toys are appropriate for what ages.  The suggested ages on the packaging are always wrong.  I hope some of you are able to benefit from my new-found knowledge of what makes the best gifts for a 1-year-old.

Wild One 1st Birthday Party

Wild One balloons and jungle animal balloons behind beverage and cake table

We recently threw a joint first birthday party for my daughter and my nephew (who were born only a day apart!). When brainstorming for the theme of the party we knew we needed a gender-neutral theme and wanted to keep it very inexpensive. “Wild One” met both criteria and was a smashing success. For ideas and tips on throwing a Wild One 1st birthday party keep reading!

Best Gifts for a Two-Year-Old

birthday child in background with cake in front

Gift giving stresses me out. I just want to know what would make the person I am shopping for the happiest and get that. The trouble is, not everyone always gives you ideas and would prefer to be “surprised”. That’s when I scour Pinterest for gift guides. I hope my gift guide for two-year-olds helps some of you feel less stress when buying presents.

Barn Birthday Invitations

barn invitation sticking out of white envelope with an address stamper on the table

Sick of trying to find the perfect farm-themed birthday invitations? Not looking to spend a lot of money on invitations for a child’s birthday party? I hear you!

I’m a frugal party planner, especially when it comes to birthdays my children won’t even remember. I made these invitations in Canva, printed them off, and with a little cutting and some glue dots I think they turned out pretty good.

Below I’ve written instructions for how to create your own easy and cheap barn invitations.

Pig Birthday Cake

Our daughter’s 2nd birthday party was farm themed and I knew I wanted to make some type of barnyard animal cake to top off the day. I considered making a cow and a horse but my bright husband suggested a pig because you only need one color frosting for piping. Done!

pig cake - face of a pig with pink frosting and black gel for mouth, eyes, and snout openings

We had to switch the party from Sunday to Saturday so I had one less day of prep. I have learned over time that keeping things simple is the smart way to go. See instructions below for how to create an easy pig birthday cake (or pig cake for any farm-themed occassion).