Andes Candies Cookies

Andes Cookies on a plate

I have loved these Andes Candies Cookies for a long time. In fact, Santa still puts Andes mints in my stocking each year.  Chocolate plus mint is always a good combination and these cookies have that combo perfected.  A bonus, this recipe is simple to make. Perfect for Christmas or any time of the year!

Quiet Gifts for Toddlers

toddler hands building blocks

This week I’ve been dealing with typical toddler behaviors of spitting, throwing toys, and screeching.  The last thing I need are loud, obnoxious toys adding to the noise pollution in my household – I have very sensitive hearing.  I was inspired to create a list of wonderful, quiet toys and activities for toddlers to enjoy.  These quiet gifts for toddlers make very happy kids and parents.

How to Make a Piecaken

A slice of piecaken

With the holidays just around the corner, I wanted to attempt a dessert that would blow the socks off friends and family.  The piecaken to the rescue!!  Similar to the turducken, a piecaken is made by baking a pie inside a cake – creating the best of both worlds.

I have attempted this recipe twice.  The first trial was a miserable failure, the second pretty good.  With a third attempt, I’m sure my recipe would be perfected but I wanted to get these instructions to you in case you wanted to give it a try for this Thanksgiving.  Below I’ll fill you in on my tips and tricks for creating a piecaken, as well include some cheater versions that will save you a lot of time.  I’ve included the recipe I made up but please note it is not perfected yet but I do explain what I would do to improve it.  Happy baking!

Haystack Cookies

haystack cookies on wax paper

These cookies couldn’t be more simple – three ingredients, three easy steps, and no baking!!  I absolutely love Haystack Cookies and always make them during the holiday season. Now I’m wondering why I don’t make them more often throughout the year?  The key for me with these cookies is to store them in the refrigerator.  They taste so much better cold!

Subscription Boxes – The Gift That Keeps On Giving

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

My friend and I were chatting today about how fun the holidays are only to then have a huge letdown in January with nothing to look forward to.  My solution – subscription boxes!  Subscription boxes make perfect Christmas gifts (or gifts at any time of the year).  You can rest assured no one is returning this gift!