April 2020 Book Reviews and Recommendations

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I’ll admit that my reading choices for the month of April involve some serious topics. This month’s book picks cover WWII, a plane crash, and child abuse/neglect. I promise next month to include more light-hearted recommendations but these are really good books! If you don’t have the mindset to read them right now maybe put them on your “to-read” list. Instead, select a happier book from my favorite book reviews from last year.

Social Distancing Toddler Schedule

toddler sitting next to paints and a picture

Our daily routines have certainly changed these past few weeks because of social distancing and seem to continue to change with each passing day. Starting tomorrow our Governor has issued a “Stay At Home” order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. This will result in even more parents staying at home with their children.

Activities To Do With Your Kids During Social Distancing

mom helping toddler wash hands

AHHHHHH!! You are going to be home with your children for the unforeseeable future because of the COVID-19 virus. What can you do with your children all day if all the places you would normally take your kids (library storytime, Children’s Museum, zoo, open gyms, etc) are closed? Below I have a number of ways to entertain and occupy your children while responsibly practicing social distancing. If you have even more ideas please let me know in the comment section below!

Easy Weekly Meals Your Family Will Love – Week #6

A family of four eating a meal together

Are you surviving Daylight Saving Time? This week has started out rough and that is why I am including TWO slow cooker meals this week (see Tuesday and Sunday) because when your schedule is off your slow cooker will be your best friend. I hope you enjoy this month’s weekly meal plan.

March 2020 Book Reviews and Recommendations

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There was some variety in the books I read for this month, I like that! Most of these books have been very popular best-sellers. While I agree with some of the high ratings, I’m definitely questioning others. Do I just not “get” how amazing these pieces of literature are? Or are people just buying these books because of the author’s previous works or because of recommendations by influencers? Either way, there are books below I definitely recommend and others I would say to pass on. Here are my March book reviews;