June 2019 Book Reviews and Recommendations

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Finally! I have new book reviews and recommendations for you after being in a bit of a reading slump. This list includes a four-star book I think you should definitely check out!

Summer is when a lot of people are able to catch up on some reading. The beach, plane rides, and road trips make the perfect time to get some good books in. I hope my reviews help you pick your next reading selection.


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The Rumor

three stars

If you are looking for an easy, breezy beach read this summer check out The Rumor. This story is about two good friends who live in Nantucket. One is a novelist with a looming deadline for her next book. The other is falling for her landscape architect while her husband is suffering from financial trouble. To top it off their children are becoming romantically involved with one another. Rumors swirl around the island of infidelity and pregnancy.



2.5 stars

The end saved it but I thought the book Less was a weird one. The book jumped around so much I had a hard time keeping up or even caring.

The main character is a middle-aged homosexual man taking a trip around the world to distract himself from a former lover getting married. It sounds more interesting than it actually was. The tone of the book is mopey and pathetic. He constantly questions himself. Is he a bad writer? Is he a bad gay?

Maybe I am not intelligent enough to appreciate this apparently great book of literature – winner of the Pulitzer Prize.  More and more I’m finding that my taste in books typically does not coincide with the big award winners. Give me the Crazy Rich Asians trilogy (I just finished the third!) over this Pulitzer winner any day.


Daisy Jones and the Six

four stars

Finally, a book I truly enjoyed reading, Daisy Jones and the Six.  The whole book is written as an interview with all the members of a rock band from the 70s. Each member of the band reflects individually on events that occurred during their time together.

The story takes the reader from the start of the band to ending with what each person is up to in the present time.  I think it would make a fabulous movie.  My only disappointment with the book is that I couldn’t listen to the band’s songs while I was reading!



two stars

I’m sorry but Unsheltered is a snoozefest. Why is this book so popular? The majority of the book is depressing and so slow.

Two different families live on the same property during different time periods. Similar themes take place during both time periods. One major theme is how people like to stick to their beliefs despite factual evidence that is contradictory.

The modern family is dealing with the house falling down around them and not having the money to fix it after losing the husband’s tenure. The historical family’s home is also in need of repair without the funds to do so. The husband is a science teacher at the local school where Darwin is believed to be the Devil himself.

The book touches on important topics like global warming and leaders in politics but I could barely finish it. I thought the story was all over the place and it didn’t hold my attention.


What else should you read? Take a look at my May Book Reviews and Recommendations.


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