If you plan on breastfeeding it is important to have a nursing station set up in your home with necessities within arm’s reach. You will be spending a ton of time feeding your child, especially in the beginning, so it is nice to have a designated area you can go with everything you could want or need. Here is how I set up my nursing station;
The main feature of a nursing station is a comfortable chair
. You will be sitting in this chair multiple times a day and night. Make sure that the chair is wide enough to fit your breastfeeding pillow. A footrest or breastfeeding stool
is essential. In my opinion, a poof
or ottoman is better than a stool because you can continue using it in your home after you are out of the baby stage.
With how often you will be breastfeeding you will want something to do besides staring at your beautiful baby. Furthermore, you will want something to help keep you awake! My phone and Kindle are my best friends to use while breastfeeding because they are so easy to use one-handed. You may want to keep your chargers in your nursing station as well.
I know some of my friends set up their breastfeeding station in front of their television. Having a new baby is a great time to binge-watch new shows. Check out my posts on binge-worthy television shows – Part 1 and Part 2 to find something you might like.
Undoubtedly, before or after you nurse your baby will need to be changed. With my first baby, I set up my breastfeeding station in the nursery next to the changing table. With my second baby, I needed to set up my nursing station in the living room because I did not want to disturb my toddler’s sleep when needing to feed the baby. I made sure to include diapering items in my nursing station to be able to set up a temporary diaper changing station when necessary. I take a flat fold cloth diaper and lay it on the ground to use as my changing pad.
Make sure you have burp cloths, extra baby clothes, and your breastfeeding pillow within arms reach of your chair.
I was shocked at how thirsty I would become when breastfeeding. The thirst would come out of nowhere. You will want a water bottle (filled) and snacks nearby everytime you nurse.
A lamp is useful if you don’t want to turn on overhead lights during night feedings.
I like to have nursing pads nearby to switch out when my reusable ones get wet. These overnight nursing pads are my favorites!
With my first child, my shirts kept falling down in her face when I would breastfeed. This handy-dandy clip
helps keep my clothing up and out of the way when breastfeeding.
Lastly, I keep nursing covers in my breastfeeding station for when we have company and I would prefer to cover up.
Lacey | 30th Oct 18
Love this! Setting up a nursing station has been so helpful while nursing my baby! It’s so nice to have everything within reach!