Declutter Challenge Week 10: Spring and Summer Clothing

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Going through my closet always makes me feel a little guilty. I have all these clothes that I don’t wear and/or don’t like. It’s time to get rid of them! By having a capsule wardrobe I will have easier choices to make when getting dressed in the morning and I will make fewer spontaneous purchases of clothes I can’t make multiple outfits out of. Going forward I will make more of an effort to buy less clothes than I am getting rid of.

author in bikini top and wide leg pants also shown with a jean jacket and belt
The goal is to be able to create multiple outfits out of the same pieces.

Step 1: Gather

three piles of clothes

The very first thing I do when decluttering my spring and summer clothes is to gather them all into one huge pile. Then I pick up each clothing piece and make a QUICK decision to sort it into one of three new piles (Keep, Maybe, or Declutter).

Now is not the time to hem and haw. Go fast. Your “Maybe” pile will probably be the largest.

Set the “Declutter” pile to one side. You do not need to do the next steps with those clothing items.

Take the clothing from the “Keep” and “Maybe” piles and go category by category sorting them into more specific stacks to go through.

For example, you’ll see in the picture directly below that I have my spring/summer shorts and pants separated into colored pants, white pants, white skirts, jean skirts, white shorts, bright shorts, denim shorts, dark shorts, athletic shorts, and printed shorts. This makes it easier for me to see how many of each category I have.

eight piles of shorts and pants

Step 2: Ask Questions

As you go through your more specific piles ask the following questions for your “maybe” items (see picture below).

Tip: You might want to try on a number of items to see if they fit!

a list of clothing questions to ask yourself

Step 3: Decide

After trying on clothes and asking yourself the questions shown above, hopefully it is easy to make a final decision about each clothing item.

Are you going to keep it, sell it, donate it, give it away, or does it need to be thrown in the trash (or go to a textile recycling site)!

a list of places to donate clothes

Tip: For the clothes you are keeping, I would highly recommend you take an inventory of your seasonal wardrobe using this helpful Spring and Summer Clothing Checklist to keep track of what you still need. This way you can wait for sales and make better purchasing decisions in the future.

summer outfit consisting of a black romper, summer hat, jean jacket, sunglasses, and sandals
When buying clothes consider outfits as a whole, not just the singular clothing item.

I hope you join me next week for our next Declutter Challenge category.

Go back to Declutter Challenge Week 9: Children’s Spring and Summer Clothing.

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