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Category: Pregnancy & Parenting

Baby Registry: Bathing

baby in a tub

Registering for baby bath items can be fun and one of the easier categories to make selections for. Bathing stuff tends to be less expensive than other baby registry categories so it is less stressful picking out the “perfect” baby bath products. If something doesn’t work out you can always try something else at a reasonable price but here are my recommendations after having three babies.

Breastmilk Bottle Feeding & Storage Guidelines

I like to create cheat sheets for myself, my husband, and babysitters so everyone is on the same page for how to properly care for the baby.

For more information and AWESOME tips make sure to take a look at my in-depth post on breastfeeding and pumping!


pin image (infographic for how long you can store breastmilk at certain temps)



Best Gifts for a 3 Year Old

pin image "37+ Gift Ideas for 3 Year Olds"

Our daughter just turned four so I now feel confident in recommending gift ideas for three-year-olds. One fun aspect of three-year-olds is that their personality really starts to shine at this age. Also, the child has started to develop real interests which you can use to your advantage when selecting gifts. Does the child love to dance? If so, then maybe ballet slippers and a tutu would make great gifts. If the kid is fascinated by bugs surprise him/her with a magnifying glass, butterfly net, etc. Themed gifts are always a great way to go. I like to always add in a book that fits the theme (we’re big readers in our house). I hope this three-year-old gift guide helps you think of the perfect present.

Baby Registry: Diapering

changing pad and stacked cloth diapers

Dealing with a child’s pee and poop will be a large part of a new parent’s life for a number of years.  Luckily, there are some great items on the market today to make the dreaded diaper change a lot easier.  Below are the items I use and highly recommend to add to the diapering category of your baby registry.

Quiet Gifts for Toddlers

toddler hands building blocks

This week I’ve been dealing with typical toddler behaviors of spitting, throwing toys, and screeching.  The last thing I need are loud, obnoxious toys adding to the noise pollution in my household – I have very sensitive hearing.  I was inspired to create a list of wonderful, quiet toys and activities for toddlers to enjoy.  These quiet gifts for toddlers make very happy kids and parents.