The second trimester of pregnancy is usually the best. The morning sickness (or all-day sickness) is typically gone. You will probably start announcing your pregnancy to your friends and family. Also, you’re not yet huge, swollen, and completely over being pregnant. I realize that every woman is different and this isn’t always the case but for most, second trimester kind of rocks. Here are some items to help you enjoy your second trimester of pregnancy even more.
Your nursery. Decorating and organizing a baby’s nursery can be a lot of fun for parents-to-be. You get to pick out colors, maybe a theme, furniture, etc. Having the nursery prepared can also help flip the mental switch to realizing that a baby will soon be arriving. The nursery category on your baby registry might be an area you really want to spend some time thinking about before adding items to your list.
So you are expanding your family, congratulations! Yes, adding a new baby to the mix will come with its own set of challenges but I found it was easier transitioning to a family of four (with two under two!) than I thought it would be. Below are the must-have items for your second baby. Some are obvious (like diapers) and others you might not have thought of (such as new entertainment for your first child). I hope you find this list of products for your second baby registry helpful.
With St. Patrick’s Day coming up I wanted to create some easy and fun dot art printables to keep my toddler busy. I feel this winter is never going to end and my child is becoming bored with her vast amount of indoor toys (and I’m even rotating!). Though a little young to understand anything about the holiday, my daughter sure enjoys doing dot art.
I’m finding that more and more couples are recently electing to not find out the gender of their baby. There are multiple reasons for this. One reason is that it is really nice to have gender-neutral baby gifts and items that can be used with future children. If you announce the gender beforehand you undoubtedly will end up with a ton of pink or blue stuff.