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Category: Pregnancy & Parenting

Third Trimester Checklist

close up of woman's pregnant belly dressed for Fall

I just entered the third trimester of my fourth pregnancy. I have zero desire to nest. That’s just not a feeling I have ever had when pregnant, BUT I am a planner. It is important for me to be organized before a new baby arrives to help the transition go as smoothly as possible. As a list maker, I thought I would share my third trimester to-do list for any other pregnant mamas it may help. A free printable third trimester checklist is included at the end of the post.

Fall Crafts for Preschoolers

collage of fall crafts

In our house, we are about to embark on our homeschool preschool journey. I’m still hoping that this situation will only be for a few months and that she can attend preschool in-person soon but who knows with this crazy year? While preparing for the first months of preschool I’ve started gathering ideas for autumn crafts. Apples, pumpkins, turkeys, and more are featured in these fun fall crafts for preschoolers.

Never Have I Ever Baby Shower Game

three woman gathered around a pregnant woman at a baby shower

Never Have I Ever: Pregnancy Edition is an easy baby shower game that can be played at a party or during a virtual baby shower. I’m sure you’ve played this game before in your younger years (while consuming multiple alcoholic beverages) but this edition is appropriate for all ages. Learn more about the mama-to-be and her pregnancy as the questions are asked. It is a great baby shower game to play at the start of a party. Minimal prep needed!

What I’ve Learned About Being A Stay-At-Home Mom

woman sitting on a bed with a cup of coffee and her cellphone

I truly never thought I would be a stay-at-home mom.

First of all, I didn’t imagine I would ever be able to afford it. Though now the thought of working just to pay for daycare doesn’t sit well with me (absolutely no judgment for those who do).

Best Movies to Watch While Pregnant

Best Movies to Watch While Pregnant

When pregnant sometimes you need a little laughter to distract you from the constant need to pee, your swollen ankles, and the never-ending weight gain.  These pregnancy movies and movies with babies will definitely make you laugh out loud. The movies on this list will help keep you entertained – that is if you can stay awake long enough to watch them.