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Category: Pregnancy & Parenting

How to Set Up an Affordable Homeschool Preschool Space

homeschool preschool space setup

We recently made the decision to homeschool our preschooler for the time being. The main reason my husband and I made this choice is because our school district has deemed it unsafe for students to have school in-person until COVID numbers go down. Also, we have a new baby on the way and want to take the extra precaution. Once we made the decision to homeschool we needed an area of the house as an organized preschool space. I thought I would share how we set up our affordable homeschool preschool space in case it would help give ideas to anyone else.

What to Buy for a Preemie Baby

pin image "What to Buy for a Preemie Baby"

Most people don’t plan on having a baby prematurely. I know I certainly didn’t. I was working through my very planned out third trimester checklist and painting our bedroom on the day my water spontaneously burst (no trickle here!) at 33 weeks. Thankfully, Amazon Prime and two-day shipping saved us when we brought our preemie home less than a week after birth. Here is what I learned you need to buy for a preemie baby;

Convenient Virtual Doctor Visits at Home

woman sitting on loveseat using laptop

Gifts for New Moms

blonde woman holding newborn in arms

Babies receive a ton of gifts when they are born but what about the mama! She is the one who had to deal with morning (all-day!) sickness, labor, and delivery. Moms who have just given birth deserve to be showered with presents. Especially because the next few weeks will be rough-going waking every couple of hours. Here are some great gift ideas for new moms.

Pumping Must-Haves for the Busy Mom

pin image "Pumping Must-Haves" with pictures of all the different items

Our third little one just surprised us with his arrival SIX WEEKS EARLY!! Because he is a preemie, I can only bottle feed him breastmilk until he gains the strength and energy needed to breastfeed (which may take a while). This means I have joined the exclusive pumping club.

I have to tell you, exclusive pumping is so much more work than just whipping a boob out when needed. You have to first pump every 3 hours, then make the bottles, and clean all the bottle and pump parts. It’s a job! But there are items to help make pumping a little easier and more comfortable. Below read what I think are pumping must-haves.