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Category: Planning & Organization

Lists and guides for planning different life events as well as organization tips.

Snow Day Survival Guide (Adult Edition)

snow piled up outside window with leaves still on trees

Recently, my house lost power for THREE WHOLE DAYS during a freak October blizzard.  During our time stuck inside, we managed to survive and even have some fun, but I definitely realized that if this were to ever happen again I would like to be more prepared. Here are my tips for how to survive being snowed in for a few days;

How to Set Up the Perfect Nursing Station

breastfeeding station

If you plan on breastfeeding it is important to have a nursing station set up in your home with necessities within arm’s reach.  You will be spending a ton of time feeding your child, especially in the beginning, so it is nice to have a designated area you can go with everything you could want or need. Here is how I set up my nursing station;

How to Set Up an Affordable Homeschool Preschool Space

homeschool preschool space setup

We recently made the decision to homeschool our preschooler for the time being. The main reason my husband and I made this choice is because our school district has deemed it unsafe for students to have school in-person until COVID numbers go down. Also, we have a new baby on the way and want to take the extra precaution. Once we made the decision to homeschool we needed an area of the house as an organized preschool space. I thought I would share how we set up our affordable homeschool preschool space in case it would help give ideas to anyone else.

Third Trimester Checklist

close up of woman's pregnant belly dressed for Fall

I just entered the third trimester of my fourth pregnancy. I have zero desire to nest. That’s just not a feeling I have ever had when pregnant, BUT I am a planner. It is important for me to be organized before a new baby arrives to help the transition go as smoothly as possible. As a list maker, I thought I would share my third trimester to-do list for any other pregnant mamas it may help. A free printable third trimester checklist is included at the end of the post.

Farm Themed Birthday Party

My daughter just turned two and we celebrated with a farm-themed birthday party. We picked a farm theme because she loves playing with her animal figurines every day (see “Gifts” section below). Plus, a farm theme is easy and perfect for young children!

If you are contemplating throwing a party with a farm theme take a look at all my ideas and suggestions below.

Pin for Farm Birthday Party featuring five different images