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Category: Gift Guides

Marvelous Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

Mother's Day spelled out in Scrabble tiles

Mother’s Day is right around the corner and the moms in our lives deserve great gifts. Below are some great tips and MANY gift ideas for moms that will hopefully help you find the perfect Mother’s Day present. If you are a mom, you could gain some wonderful gift ideas for yourself and then subtly (or not, I find being clear and direct works best) drop a hint or two.

Gift Ideas for a 6 Year Old

Our oldest is about to turn seven and I now feel I have a good grasp on what six-year-olds really enjoy. Below you’ll find gift ideas in a variety of categories for 6-year-olds. I never differentiate gifts or toys based on gender because what you enjoy doing and playing with as a child has NOTHING to do with your gender. Try to get to know the child you are shopping for and their particular interests but these gift ideas have been real winners for many kids we know.

Best Gifts for a 1 Year Old

one year old with a chocolate cupcake and the number one birthday candle

Now that my daughter is almost 18 months I feel I have a good grasp on what makes the perfect gift for a 1-year-old.  I always struggle with gift-giving, especially when it comes to children and what toys are appropriate for what ages.  The suggested ages on the packaging are always wrong.  I hope some of you are able to benefit from my new-found knowledge of what makes the best gifts for a 1-year-old.

Experience Gifts for Kids

amusement park swings "Fun Experience Gifts for Kids"

Want to be the real winner of the upcoming holiday season? Give experience gifts to the kids (and adults!) on your shopping list instead of toys. Don’t get me wrong toys are great but typically families already have WAY TOO MANY. Instead, give a gift that makes great memories without cluttering up the house.

Subscription Boxes – The Gift That Keeps On Giving

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

My friend and I were chatting today about how fun the holidays are only to then have a huge letdown in January with nothing to look forward to.  My solution – subscription boxes!  Subscription boxes make perfect Christmas gifts (or gifts at any time of the year).  You can rest assured no one is returning this gift!