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Category: Books & Movies

Monthly reviews and recommendations about books I am reading plus movies guides on various topics.

May Book Reads

I love to read.  Reading is by far my favorite hobby.  I don’t go anywhere without my Kindle.

The best thing about reading is that you can entertain yourself for hours. Plus, it is a free activity!  I don’t buy books: I either use gift cards I’ve received as presents or I download books on my Kindle through my library account.  The library makes it so simple, why would anyone not take advantage of this amazing service?

The only downfall of getting my books through the library e-book collection is that there is often a waitlist for the most recent and popular books.  I am used to not being the most current person.  In regards to fashion, it always takes me a very long time to catch on to a trend (but this has served me well as I have evaded some god-awful fads – gauchos anyone?).

Therefore, my book recommendations will certainly not be the most updated lists out there.  These monthly book suggestions are for those who enjoy reading for pleasure and don’t have time to keep up the New York Times Best Sellers.

June Book Reads

Book Covers

August Book Reads

Sports Movies (Family-Friendly)

Sports Movies

With the school year beginning, kids’ sports will be starting up again too!  To get your kids pumped for some physical activity I have compiled a list of some of my favorite sports movies.  For this list, I tried to keep it appropriate for all members of the family.  Maybe I will make an adult version in the coming months.

September Book Reads