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Category: Books & Movies

Monthly reviews and recommendations about books I am reading plus movies guides on various topics.

January 2019 Book Reviews and Recommendations

Reviews and recommendations of four books I read for this month including the very popular Educated: A Memoir. A good variety of reading this month to peak anyone's interest! #lovetoread #booksarelife

I read some fascinating books for my January reviews and recommendations.  From a young woman’s moving story about her crazy upbringing to a journalist’s hunt for a lost city, there is a good assortment of different texts to choose from. I hope you will find something for your reading pleasure.

My Top 5 Books I Read in 2018

Reading is my everything.  It helps me relax after a hard day.  Reading allows me to tolerate long drives because I hate being in the car.  I can’t imagine going a day without reading even if it is only a few pages.  Reading is my sanity.  Here are my five favorite books that I read this year;

December Book Reads


Reviews and recommendations of four books I read for the month of December. There is definitely some good reading here for the upcoming holiday travels! #bookrecommendations #reading

November Book Reads

Four book reviews and recommendations with stories ranging from a girlfriend meeting her boyfriend's mega-rich family to a young girl time traveling. #books #bookrecommendations

With the holidays coming up you may find yourself needing gift ideas for yourself or others.  You might also have a little extra time for reading with all the impending holiday travel.  Check out my recommendations and reviews of the following books and you may find something you like.

Guilty Pleasure Movies


While on “maternity leave” (aka I’m a stay-at-home mom and my husband has 3 weeks off) I needed to watch some guilty pleasure movies.  Guilty pleasure movies are movies that are embarrassing for you to admit how much you like them.  But they serve a purpose and if they bring you joy who cares!  First of all, these movies don’t require any thinking or remembering.  The films are not complicated so you can drift off to sleep, wake up, and still not really have missed anything. Also, guilty pleasure movies have happy endings and will leave you feeling good after watching them. Here is a list of a few of my guilty pleasure movies;