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Category: Books & Movies

Monthly reviews and recommendations about books I am reading plus movies guides on various topics.

April 2019 Book Reviews and Recommendations

four book covers with text "book reviews April 2019"

The books I read for April 2019 have many plot twists and turns to keep the reader guessing about what will happen next. Murder, justice, and love are key components of this month’s batch of book reviews and recommendations. I hope you find your perfect next read!

Children’s Books About Cleaning

spray bottle for cleaning

Finally, I am starting to see a glimmer of spring just around the corner. The temperature is no longer bitterly cold, we have more hours of sunlight, and the snow is almost completly gone. This means it is time for SPRING CLEANING!!

July Book Reads

March 2019 Book Reviews and Recommendations

Four new book reviews and recommendations for the month of March.  Ranging from a thriller full of plot twists to a romance in which the main characters seem fated to be together but are always in different places in life, these books are perfect for your next read!  #bookstoread #amreading #booklovers #whattoread

A number of the books I read this month don’t give away the whole plot at the beginning like so many usually do – I love this! Instead, the reader learns more and more as the story progresses. These are very popular books and will help you chat with friends and colleagues who have read them as well.  See below to check out what I read for March.

February 2019 Book Reviews and Recommendations

Four book reviews and recommendations for the month of February. All these books make excellent book club picks. Murder and mystery to gender identity and a mother's love these books have it all. One might even make my top books of the year list! #ILoveReading #booklover

Another five-star book recommendation is included in this month’s book reviews!  I also gave Erik Larson another chance and read a book before I check out the movie.  See below to check out what I read for February.