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Category: Books & Movies

Monthly reviews and recommendations about books I am reading plus movies guides on various topics.

The Best Christmas Movies to Watch During the Holiday Season

woman sitting on couch with Christmas socks on

This year the holidays seem to be sneaking up on me quicker than ever before.  I blame the foot of snow we currently have and the freezing temperatures we’ve had all week.  Usually, I like to take one holiday at a time.  I am not a fan of Christmas decorations being out before Thanksgiving.  But “Holiday Inn” was recently playing on television and it got this Grinch in the holiday mood. I decided to compile a list of my favorite Christmas movies to refer to instead of just watching whichever film happens to be playing that evening. 

You’ll notice a few titles missing from my list that everyone else would include.  I also didn’t rank the movies but instead divided them into categories because I like a lot of variety in my viewing pleasure.  If I watch a classic one night, I like to pick from another category the next night.

I hope you enjoy my list of best Christmas movies:

November 2019 Book Reviews and Recommendations

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I haven’t had a five-star book in a long time! Finally, I read a book that I deemed worthy and I hope you think so too. There are four great new books this month to choose from. With the holidays right around the corner, you might want to start thinking about what books would make the perfect gifts for your friends and family.

October 2019 Book Reviews and Recommendations

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I realize I’ve been reading many historical books lately but it’s what I like and what’s popular! From a young girl living in Columbia fearing kidnapping and car bombs, to a young woman living it up in NYC during the ’40s, there is certainly a range despite my selections being mostly historical fiction. I hope you enjoy this month’s book recommendations!

September 2019 Book Reviews and Recommendations

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I’ve definitely been reading some interesting books lately. Even though I haven’t loved all of them, I’ve enjoyed the variety and selecting books I wouldn’t normally have picked for myself. It’s always good to branch out and try new things. Maybe in my September recommendations below you’ll find one to try out of your typical reading comfort zone.

August 2019 Book Reviews and Recommendations

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How is it already August? I get so sad when summer starts winding down. The season goes so fast and I’m not ready to pack away our beach supplies yet. Thank goodness reading can occur anytime during the year. Good news, a four-star book is included in this month’s reviews!