Monthly reviews and recommendations about books I am reading plus movies guides on various topics.
I had a great reading year. I didn’t keep track but I know I read well over fifty books. This was in part thanks to many months of breastfeeding, my husband being the primary driver on road trips, book club, and a few audiobooks. Please note that not all of the books I chose were published this year, they are just my favorites that I read this year. Below I’ve selected my top twelve book reads of 2019, one for every month! I hope you find a book recommendation that you can’t wait to read.
We’re finishing up another year of book reviews and recommendations on a high note. This month I read four good books (I even gave one four stars!). Any of these books I would recommend. With the holidays coming up I hope you have some time to relax and pick up a good new book. Consider these for your next great read.
I am loving the popular “four gift rule” for Christmas. Every child receives one item in each of the following categories; something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read. If you know me, then you know that my favorite category is “something to read”. Thankfully, my girls (ages 1 and 2.5) love to read too. Here are my recommendations for excellent books to give toddlers as gifts.
Reading is one of my favorite things to do and I hope to pass the love of reading onto my daughter. I make sure that we read multiple books a day. I have found that the books my toddler tends to lean towards I do not find enjoyable – there are no storylines, just words matched up with pictures. Likewise, the books I like to read the most to my daughter she seems to lose interest with quickly. Here is a list of sturdy children’s board books we both enjoy to read together over and over again. These are books you won’t find on similar lists so I hope you come across some new favorites to read with your child.