Monthly reviews and recommendations about books I am reading plus movies guides on various topics.
We just got back from a vacation up north and I was able to get in a lot of reading! From the long car ride to and from the trip to the beach and sitting on the porch, I tried to get in as much reading as possible. Meaning . . . I may be able to put out four more book reviews later this month. Follow me on Instagram (@planningforkeeps) if you want to be the first to know!
We’ve all been spending A LOT of time at home this year. If you are like me, you want a great show to watch at night for entertainment while you relax. These shows are definitely binge-worthy. I usually stay away from suspense and horror. Comedy, romance, and a little reality (only sometimes) are more my speed. I hope you find your next great binge-worthy show on this list.
I have been reading, reading, and reading especially since our normal summer activities are not happening this year. This month I read a wide variety and have both a four-star and a five-star review for you. If I get the time, maybe I’ll put out four more book reviews later this month. I hope you find something great to read from my recommendations below.
Reading has saved me during these months of stay-at-home orders. It is something enjoyable that I can do to give myself little breaks during the day. While the girls are watching Disney+, I read. When they go outside to play in the yard, I read. Clearly I have been getting a ton of reading done since we aren’t able to go anywhere. I asked on Instagram (@planningforkeeps if you want to follow!) if I should add more book reviews this month and an overwhelming majority said “yes”. So here they are – four MORE books reviews for May.