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Category: Books & Movies

Monthly reviews and recommendations about books I am reading plus movies guides on various topics.

July 2021 Book Reviews and Recommendations

pin image of four book covers

My reading for this month had a lot of plot twists, mystery, and drama. Whether you are searching for a book to read on the beach or one to read before bed at night take a look at these new book reviews to find your next great read.

June 2021 Book Reviews and Recommendations

pin image "June Book Reviews"

Summer is in full swing at our house. We are hitting playgrounds, splash pads, and beaches as much as possible and you know I never go anywhere without my Kindle. Summer is the perfect time to read for pleasure. Below are four new book reviews for the month of June. There are definitely books I would highly recommend this month.

May 2021 Book Reviews and Recommendations

"May Book Reviews" with the images of the four book covers

I don’t know about where you live, but the weather here in Wisconsin is finally starting to get nicer and I’ve been able to read outside a little! Sunshine plus books make me happy. This month I have a few interesting picks that I surprisingly really enjoyed. It’s important to add some variety to your typical book selections to keep things interesting. I hope you are able to find your next great read from my book reviews and recommendations for May below.

April 2021 Book Reviews and Recommendations

pin image "April Book Reviews" with four book covers

I’m bringing you some variety this month but I have to warn you, none of these books are very light or funny. Surprisingly, it was the thriller that won my vote for book of the month. Check out my book reviews below to read what I thought of each of these stories.

Movies to Watch with Your Mom

Three women sitting down outside with their arms around each other.

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, I wanted to create a list of movies perfect for mothers and daughters to watch together. These films will make you laugh, cry, and be thankful for the power of female relationships. Pick a movie (or multiple movies) off this list and make a date for some mother-daughter bonding time.