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Category: Books & Movies

Monthly reviews and recommendations about books I am reading plus movies guides on various topics.

November 2021 Book Reviews and Recommendations

four book covers

I’m in a bit of a reading slump. Since it’s getting colder and the darkness starts earlier in the evening I’m getting some seasonal depression and I don’t want to do anything (even read – which is shocking!). I’ve been listening to audiobooks more and more. It’s a great way to get more books in but it takes me forever to finish a book this way. I’m a much faster reading on my Kindle. Below you’ll find my four book reviews for this month and I think I would recommend them all!

October 2021 Book Reviews and Recommendations

pin image of four book covers "October Book Reviews"

Spoiler – all four of the books I read for this month received four stars. Four stars!! I don’t think I’ve ever had a month in which I have really enjoyed each of the books this much. I hope one of my book reviews below sparks your interest.

September 2021 Book Reviews and Recommendations

pin image "September Book Reviews"

We are in back-to-school mode in our house and our schedule seems to be jammed packed. In reality, it’s just a normal month but after social distancing for so long a full calendar seems a bit overwhelming. I haven’t been able to read as much as I would like but below are four new book reviews. I hope you find something that catches your interest.

August 2021 Book Reviews and Recommendations

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Whenever I get anxious I turn to books. Now that August has arrived I’m starting to have a little anxiety about September and what exactly this fall and winter are going to look like. I’ve been reading a ton but not all the books have lived up to their popularity. Read my book reviews below to see if there are any titles you might want to add to your must-read list.

July 2021 Book Reviews and Recommendations

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My reading for this month had a lot of plot twists, mystery, and drama. Whether you are searching for a book to read on the beach or one to read before bed at night take a look at these new book reviews to find your next great read.