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Category: Books & Movies

Monthly reviews and recommendations about books I am reading plus movies guides on various topics.

February 2022 Book Reviews and Recommendations

I think you should be proud of me because I read some books this month out of my typical genres. One surprised me with how much I liked it. If you read the whole blog post you’ll see that I really gave you five book reviews this month. Happy reading!

Summer Movies

Best Summer Movies

I love summer.  I wish it were summer all year long.  School is out, the beach, vacations, what’s not to love? I went to summer camp(s) every single summer growing up (and was even a counselor when I got older).  Summer is my jam and that is why I made a movie guide featuring movies that take place during summer.  I feel like I am missing a few important ones though.  Please comment if you have a favorite summer movie I didn’t include.


love sign

Falling in Love with Love . . . February is one of the better months of the year because it is the shortest winter month, the Superbowl and Academy Awards are both held during, and I look good in red. Being that it is the month of love, I thought I would touch on the subject with another movie guide.  The following movie guide is not totally focused on romance but instead on a movie genre I love . . . MUSICALS.  Obviously, love is almost always the main focal point of a musical but the dancing and singing are the parts that make my heart swell.

January 2022 Book Reviews and Recommendations

four book covers

Here’s to a new year with new book reviews and recommendations. A book I reviewed this month is one of the BEST I’ve read (listened to) in a long time. I was smiling and laughing throughout the whole thing. I hope you find a great book to start off the year right with some pleasurable reading.

Best Reads of 2021

pin image "Best Reads of 2022" featuring some of the book covers.

Another great year of reading if I do say so myself but some books were definitely better than others. Here are the books I would consider the best reads of 2021. Each I rated either 4 or 5 stars! These are the books I read in 2021, not books necessarily published in 2021 though there are a number of new ones on this list. I hope you find your next great read after perusing. Here’s to making a must-read list for 2022!