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Four Months Old

Mom vs Dad Baby Shower Game

Pregnant woman holding hands with a man

If you are in need of a super simple game to play at a baby shower this is the one for you! With minimal prep and a lot of flexibility, the Mom vs Dad baby shower game asks questions to each parent-to-be simultaneously. All shower guests are able to participate too! Expect a lot of laughter during this easy and fun baby shower game.

Mini Cherry Chocolate Chip Bread

mini cherry chocolate chip bread

Truth – I used to eat maraschino cherries straight from the jar as an after-school snack. I’m sure my mother didn’t know. Truth – On occasion, I STILL eat maraschino cherries straight from the jar. I can’t help it! I love them. These loaves of mini cherry chocolate chip bread are perfect to give as Valentine’s gifts or to keep and eat for yourself. I find that by making mini bread loaves I am better able to portion-control instead of devouring it all immediately.

Strawberry Parfaits

Strawberry Parfait

Strawberry parfaits are incredibly easy and fast desserts to make but can still pass as fancy in a pinch. If you need a “dessert for dummies” recipe this is the one.

Strawberry parfaits are kid-friendly, chocolate-free, and make a perfect Valentine’s Day treat for anyone. Class it up by putting the parfait in a wine glass and adding a strawberry fan to up the ante.

What I’ve Learned About Being A Stay-At-Home Mom

woman sitting on a bed with a cup of coffee and her cellphone

I truly never thought I would be a stay-at-home mom.

First of all, I didn’t imagine I would ever be able to afford it. Though now the thought of working just to pay for daycare doesn’t sit well with me (absolutely no judgment for those who do).