If you’ve been to my blog before you know I love to read. My passion for reading developed at a very early age. In elementary school, the one time I faked sick to stay home was so I could read a new book – #nerdalert!
I’m so happy that the trend of bringing a book instead of a card to baby showers has continued for a number of years now. What a sweet way to start building baby’s first library.
A simple baby shower game can also incorporate everyone’s love of children’s books. There are a number of ways you can play “Name That Book”. In each version, guests hear quotes from popular children’s books and try to guess the titles. Whoever correctly guesses the most titles wins!
Below I have included variations of ways you can play the game as well as a FREE PRINTABLE for those who want to make their baby shower planning process easy. Yes, the answers are included! I tried to pick book quotes that were very famous so the game would be fun (and competitive) to play.
Have a children’s book that you, or the mom-to-be, love that I didn’t include? Add more questions or create your own list of quotes that would be more personal to your party.
I’m in a bit of a rut with my reading recently. Nothing lately has caused me to think, “Wow, that was a fantastic book!”. I think I’m more disappointed because I’ve waited so long for some of these to come out or the hype was overinflated in my opinion. My four book reviews this month weren’t bad, and one I quite enjoyed, but I’m sorry to say no four or five-star recommendations.