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Nine Months Old

Dirt Cake Rice Krispie Treats

a single bar of dirt cake rice krispie treats

When it comes to food, I am a child. This morning I had chocolate milk and a single serving of chocolate cake in a mug. I told my daughter that both were “coffee”. Sugar is my addiction and desserts are my game. Here I’ve taken two very simple and fun desserts that I love and combined them. Dirt Cake plus Rice Krispie Treats! If I love these Dirt Cake Rice Krispie Treats I promise your kids will too.

Everything You Need to Know About All-in-One Cloth Diapers

a circle of multi-colored cloth diapers

So you’re thinking about cloth diapering? That’s awesome! I think it is important to look at all options before making a final decision when it comes to anything baby-related. You will be dealing with diapers for ~ 2+ years, or more if you choose to have multiple children. Time should be spent considering the pros and cons of each diapering option.

After much research, I personally decided to diaper my kids with all-in-one cloth diapers. Below I’ll discuss my reasons why I chose cloth diapers, why I love all-in-ones, my cloth diapering supplies, how to clean the diapers, and give you tips I’ve learned along the way. I hope you find this information helpful in making your own decisions about diapering!

10 Awesome Gender-Neutral Baby Gifts New Moms Will Love

wooden baby blocks that spell out "PLAY"

I’m finding that more and more couples are recently electing to not find out the gender of their baby. There are multiple reasons for this. One reason is that it is really nice to have gender-neutral baby gifts and items that can be used with future children. If you announce the gender beforehand you undoubtedly will end up with a ton of pink or blue stuff.

Messy Mallow Bars

four messy mallow bars on a white platter

It’s summer so I am craving anything featuring s’mores. We don’t have a firepit yet so I looked to see what ingredients I had in my cupboard and this is the recipe I came up with. I am very happy with the results, Messy Mallow Bars is a quick recipe to get your s’mores fix.