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How to Keep Kids Entertained During a Holiday Party

children dressed up for Christmas standing next to presents

You have a dilemma. Either you are a parent going to a holiday party and you want to make sure your children have a good time but are still well-behaved. Or you are the host of a celebration and have the dual task of providing fun for all ages while also keeping everyone safe (and your house intact!). Don’t worry, keeping kids entertained during a holiday party is easier than you think!

The Easiest Shrimp Lo Mein Recipe

bowl of shrimp lo mein

I love shrimp lo mein. These days we are getting take-out less and less but I still want this delicious meal more than ever. My solution – make it myself in the simplest (and fastest) way possible. The recipe below is clearly not authentic and doesn’t use fresh ingredients (nap time only lasts so long!) but it satisfies my craving and my family quite enjoys it. I hope you like this recipe for shrimp lo mein too!

Something to Read: 25 Great Books for Toddlers

toddler sitting on child's couch with a book

I am loving the popular “four gift rule” for Christmas. Every child receives one item in each of the following categories; something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read. If you know me, then you know that my favorite category is “something to read”. Thankfully, my girls (ages 1 and 2.5) love to read too. Here are my recommendations for excellent books to give toddlers as gifts.

52 Delicious Thanksgiving Desserts

Thanksgiving Desserts

I am not a huge fan of Thanksgiving foods. Turkey? Take it or leave it. Mashed potatoes? Meh. But the desserts, that is something this holiday got right. From delicious pies and cakes to decadent tarts and cheesecakes this roundup of Thanksgiving desserts has it all. Choose one (or more!) to impress your friends and family.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Pumpkin Caramel Lava Cake

pumpkin caramel lava cake cut in half with caramel oozing out of the center

It took a few attempts but I finally perfected a pumpkin caramel lava cake. A personal-sized pumpkin cake with a molten lava caramel center is perfection. In the words of my toddler who tried the cake today, “It’s my favorite.” – though she has said that about a handful of my desserts.