Recently, I have been trying to incorporate more meatless recipes into our family dinners. First of all, it’s better for us. I very much dislike eating vegetables but I need to be eating healthier so any recipe that disguises the taste of veggies is a winner. Also, it is hard to get meat right now! I have been doing curb-side pick-up of our groceries for months and we rarely get all the meat I order. Plus, it’s predicted that the meat shortage is going to get worse. So here is my newly created (delicious and meatless!) Spinach Mushroom Goat Cheese Quiche.
Reading has saved me during these months of stay-at-home orders. It is something enjoyable that I can do to give myself little breaks during the day. While the girls are watching Disney+, I read. When they go outside to play in the yard, I read. Clearly I have been getting a ton of reading done since we aren’t able to go anywhere. I asked on Instagram (@planningforkeeps if you want to follow!) if I should add more book reviews this month and an overwhelming majority said “yes”. So here they are – four MORE books reviews for May.
This month’s book reviews include a 5-star book! I hope you all are getting as much reading done as I am. This quarantine blows but I am reading so many books being stuck at home. More good news – libraries are now doing curbside pickup. If you are a person who likes to read physical books take advantage and go to your library’s website to find out how you can pick up some new books. Maybe select one from my book reviews down below.
Mother’s Day is right around the corner and the moms in our lives deserve great gifts. Below are some great tips and MANY gift ideas for moms that will hopefully help you find the perfect Mother’s Day present. If you are a mom, you could gain some wonderful gift ideas for yourself and then subtly (or not, I find being clear and direct works best) drop a hint or two.