We just got back from a vacation up north and I was able to get in a lot of reading! From the long car ride to and from the trip to the beach and sitting on the porch, I tried to get in as much reading as possible. Meaning . . . I may be able to put out four more book reviews later this month. Follow me on Instagram (@planningforkeeps) if you want to be the first to know!
A day at the beach with a toddler can be so much fun or a complete nightmare. It depends on how prepared you are! Here are a number of recommendations to bring with you to the beach to ensure your toddler is safe and happy. We use these beach must-haves on an almost weekly basis in summer. Don’t plan a trip to the beach with a toddler without these essentials.
We’ve all been spending A LOT of time at home this year. If you are like me, you want a great show to watch at night for entertainment while you relax. These shows are definitely binge-worthy. I usually stay away from suspense and horror. Comedy, romance, and a little reality (only sometimes) are more my speed. I hope you find your next great binge-worthy show on this list.
I’m currently in the second trimester of my 4th pregnancy. Although each pregnancy has been very different (especially this one!), there are definitely some items that have helped me survive through each one. Here are my pregnancy must-haves that I’m sure will make your own pregnancy better. Some of these products also make great gifts!
I have been reading, reading, and reading especially since our normal summer activities are not happening this year. This month I read a wide variety and have both a four-star and a five-star review for you. If I get the time, maybe I’ll put out four more book reviews later this month. I hope you find something great to read from my recommendations below.