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October 2020 Book Reviews and Recommendations

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I would recommend all four books I read for the month of October. There’s even a book on this list I gave a FIVE STAR review (that’s rare!). Yes, this month is very female-focused, but I think there is still a good variety to choose from. This month’s book reviews include a historical fiction piece about a female aviator, a contemporary romance, a fascinating memoir by a mother, and a strong voice from the Black Lives Matter movement. I hope you find a book to add to your must-read list!

Third Trimester Checklist

close up of woman's pregnant belly dressed for Fall

I just entered the third trimester of my fourth pregnancy. I have zero desire to nest. That’s just not a feeling I have ever had when pregnant, BUT I am a planner. It is important for me to be organized before a new baby arrives to help the transition go as smoothly as possible. As a list maker, I thought I would share my third trimester to-do list for any other pregnant mamas it may help. A free printable third trimester checklist is included at the end of the post.

Children’s Books About Preschool

pin image "Children's Books About Preschool" with images of book covers

Last year before my daughter started preschool I wanted to prepare her as much as possible for the transition. I knew she would be nervous and I think the more you read about what to expect for any situation the better. Together we read through a bunch of children’s books about preschool to help prepare her.

Preschool Behavior Reward Chart

behavior chart and two pages of rewards coupons

As we are about to embark on our homeschool preschool journey, I knew I needed a system to incentivize my three-year-old. After a lot of research and time spent looking at different types of behavior reward charts, I narrowed down the behaviors I knew I wanted my daughter to focus on the most. From there, I created my own preschool behavior reward chart featuring a two-tier reward system. The chart as well as the reward coupons are FREE to download below (no sign-up required!) and are also customizable.

September 2020 Book Reviews and Recommendations

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I haven’t been reading as much this month because my kids have had me at the beach, splash pad, or playground almost every day. At their ages, I cannot take my eyes off them for a second so reading during these outings is not happening. But I am not complaining! Summer is amazing and I know soon enough I will be longing for beach days again. Check out the books I did manage to squeeze in this month below for my thoughts and recommendations.