This year we requested a number of Valentine’s Day children’s books from our library. There were a few books I didn’t end up including on this list because the stories focused on fighting or being upset someone liked them. Instead, I wanted to feature books about love and the activities surrounding Valentine’s Day (parties, making cards, etc). I will continue to add books to this list over time that both my toddler and preschooler love and make me read over and over and over.
January was L O N G. I swear it is the worst month of the year, especially when you are quarantined inside with three kids under the age of four. Plus, I hate snow so I try to avoid the outdoors as much as possible. Thank goodness I love to read because it is one of the few pleasures in my life right now. Here is what I read for this month;
Can you believe I have never made tiramisu before? I love tiramisu but the thought of making it intimated me. Now that I’ve finally made my first batch I have no idea why I felt this way. Tiramisu is not only delicious but it’s incredibly easy to make! Here is my easy tiramisu recipe. It’s the perfect no-bake, make-ahead dessert. I will be making this frequently now.
Most people don’t plan on having a baby prematurely. I know I certainly didn’t. I was working through my very planned out third trimester checklist and painting our bedroom on the day my water spontaneously burst (no trickle here!) at 33 weeks. Thankfully, Amazon Prime and two-day shipping saved us when we brought our preemie home less than a week after birth. Here is what I learned you need to buy for a preemie baby;