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October 2021 Book Reviews and Recommendations

pin image of four book covers "October Book Reviews"

Spoiler – all four of the books I read for this month received four stars. Four stars!! I don’t think I’ve ever had a month in which I have really enjoyed each of the books this much. I hope one of my book reviews below sparks your interest.

Slow Cooker Hot Buttered Rum Apple Cider

glass of hot buttered rum cider in front of a bottle of Captain Morgan and a slow cooker

It’s hard for me to transition to fall because I love summer so much but two things help – apple cider and pumpkin everything. Watching football and drinking a delicious steaming mug of hot buttered rum apple cider is a great way to spend a weekend. Below I’ve included instructions for how to make this tasty fall drink in a slow cooker. It makes an entire gallon so it’s great to serve at a party. You certainly can cut the recipe down to whatever amount of servings you want. Also, you can make this recipe on top of the stove instead of a slow cooker.

Fall Winter Clothing Checklist for Kids

children's clothing (winter coat, pants and long sleeve shirt, jumpsuit)

It’s that time of year when I like to take stock of what my kids will need, in terms of clothing, for the upcoming fall and winter seasons. What winter boot sizes will we need this year? Does my child have enough pants that fit? By taking an inventory of their fall and winter clothes now I can take advantage of upcoming sales plus give practical gift ideas for birthdays and holidays to fill the gaps in their wardrobes. By using this Fall/Winter Clothing Checklist I also don’t run the risk of overbuying for my children. Here is my process;

September 2021 Book Reviews and Recommendations

pin image "September Book Reviews"

We are in back-to-school mode in our house and our schedule seems to be jammed packed. In reality, it’s just a normal month but after social distancing for so long a full calendar seems a bit overwhelming. I haven’t been able to read as much as I would like but below are four new book reviews. I hope you find something that catches your interest.

Tips for How to Homeschool Preschool

preschooler learning about clouds with experiment

I never planned on homeschooling my children for any grade level. I happily signed my oldest up for preschool and she attended three days in March of 2020 before you know what occurred and everything shut down. It was at this time when I was forced into homeschooling my daughter for what I thought would be a temporary situation. Fast forward to August of 2021 and I have an entire year of homeschool preschool under my belt as I prepare to homeschool preschool our second daughter. Read below to find out why I am still homeschooling, the curriculum I recommend, and a list of easy homeschool supplies.